Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants are a type of restorative dentistry procedure used to replace missing teeth. They provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are designed to match your natural teeth. Dental implants are considered a more long-term and durable solution compared to traditional dentures or bridges. The dental implant procedure involves several steps:

  • Assessment and Planning: Your oral surgeon will assess your oral health, take X-rays, and possibly perform a CT scan to determine the condition of your jawbone and surrounding structures. This information helps in planning the placement of the implant.
  • Surgical Placement: During the dental implant procedure, the oral surgeon will place a small titanium screw (the implant) into the jawbone. Over time, the jawbone will fuse with the titanium, a process called osseointegration, providing a stable foundation for the artificial tooth.
  • Healing and Osseointegration: It usually takes several weeks to a few months for the implant to fully integrate with the jawbone. During this healing period, you may be provided with a temporary crown or denture.
  • Abutment Placement: Once osseointegration is complete, a small connector piece called an abutment is placed on top of the implant. This serves as a base for attaching the artificial tooth.
    Crown Placement: Finally, a custom-made artificial tooth (crown) is attached to the abutment. The crown is designed to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless appearance.

Benefits of dental implants include:

  • Improved Aesthetics: Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, enhancing your smile and appearance.
  • Functionality: They restore normal chewing and biting functions, allowing you to eat a wider range of foods.
    Durability: With proper care, dental implants can last for many years or even a lifetime.
    Bone Preservation: Implants stimulate the jawbone, helping to prevent bone loss that often occurs with missing teeth.
  • Speech Improvement: Unlike dentures, which can affect speech, implants allow for clear and natural speech.

More benefits

It’s important to note that not everyone is a suitable candidate for dental implants. Havin a dental implant procedure  requires adequate jawbone density and overall good oral health. If you are considering dental implants, it’s best to consult with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon who can assess your individual situation and provide personalized recommendations.